Check out my two books on productivity and procrastination:
Being More Productive to help you stop procrastinating. Clearing Your Clutter to help you declutter your home and your head.
Both available in print or for kindle

Being More Productive
Do you avoid important tasks? Find it difficult to get started? Or struggle to get things done on time, perhaps due to ADHD or other forms of neurodiversity?
As a leading productivity coach, I’ve spent years listening to stories that people tell when they procrastinate. And I’ve helped hundreds of clients – students, professionals and entrepreneurs – to boost motivation by reframing these narratives. As a result, I’ve become an expert on what it means to manage time more effectively. But being more productive isn’t just about getting things done; it’s also about finding balance in your life and focusing on what matters most.
In this book, I’ve compiled the most common excuses that people make when procrastinating and suggested how to challenge the assumptions. Whether you’re prone to perfectionism or easily distracted, the aim is to kickstart you into action. Ultimately the book will help you develop skills to be more productive at home, at work or while studying.
Don’t delay (!) order it now from Waterstones, Amazon or Amazon UK

Clearing Your Clutter
Are you overwhelmed by too much stuff? Keen to simplify your life? Or desperate to create more space, order or clarity?
As a productivity coach and expert in ADHD and chronic disorganisation, I understand the challenges. Over the last 15 years I’ve helped clients from diverse backgrounds to develop decluttering and organising skills. My approach is based on the view that clutter is never just about stuff. In a consumer society we accumulate things for all sorts of reasons. And our belongings often become imbued with complex meanings, linking us to the past or to the future. Learning to let go can be difficult on both practical and emotional levels. After all, there’s so much more to decluttering than just tidying up.
The book invites you to explore the stories that you may be telling yourself about surplus stuff. My aim is to guide you gently to rethink assumptions and to discover new perspectives. From books to bags, clothes to kitchenware, I share simple strategies to help you tackle the clutter, one step at a time. So the book will help you shift habits as well as stuff.
No more excuses, order it today from Waterstones, Amazon or Amazon UK
“Juliet’s warm and accessible writing inspires you to put down your to-do list and achieve even your least favourite task. She guides us past every obstacle to reach our goals. You will be inspired!”
“This is a very useful and easy-to-read book about productivity and procrastination. Using lots of interesting anecdotes and quotes, it guides the reader to understand and change habits. Just don’t put off buying it!”
“This may be the only organising book you will ever need! Juliet has the experience and the insight to help readers understand their relationship with clutter, and practical tips to get results.”
“As in her 1-2-1 sessions, Juliet challenges the received wisdom of the organising industry. She doesn’t insist you throw out anything; rather she has the wit and sensitivity to recognise what you’re trying to make space for in your life and offers practical solutions to get you there.”